9 Kattelville Rd, Binghamton, NY 13901


Counseling and Therapy Services

Our confidential counseling and therapy services are available for individuals, families and couples.

Individual therapy

This is the time to focus on you and your personal well-being. During these sessions, you can discuss a variety of topics. You will work with your therapist and try different strategies and treatments to achieve your goals. This is typically a weekly or biweekly 45-90 min session.

Family therapy

This is the time for family members to come together and discuss concerns in a safe non-judgmental environment. As a group, everyone will work with their therapist to find solutions or ways to cope with the situations being addressed. This is typically a weekly or biweekly 45-60 min session.

Marriage/ Couples Counseling

Focuses on relationship issues and all of the daily stresses that face couples today. Raising children, financial pressures, and long work hours, are just a few of the reasons your relationship might be struggling. This is typically a weekly or biweekly 45-60 min session.

Additional Treatment Approaches

These services are utilized and integrated into counseling and therapy services.

Behavioral Therapy (BT)

Changing behavioral reactions and patterns which create distress. Subtypes of BT- Systematic Desensitization, Aversion Therapy, Flooding Therapy.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Identifying patterns, beliefs, and feelings, that create distress. Subtypes of CBT – Dialectical Behavioral Therapy, Rational Emotive Therapy.

EMDR Therapy (EMDR)

Is an integrative psychotherapy approach that has been extensively researched and proven effective for the treatment of trauma. It is a holistic model based on the theory of Adaptive Information Processing (AIP). This posits that memories cause emotional distress, maladaptive self-referencing beliefs, and functional problems when they are dysfunctionally stored. Conversely, when memories are functionally stored, they do not cause emotional distress.

Professional clinicians are also able to help with many other concerns such as:

Depressive signs and symptoms and Mood disorders such as bipolar disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Anxiety disorders and related conditions such as Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Phobias

Trauma-related to Adverse Childhood Events (ACES Questionnaire)


Substance Abuse Disorders

Eating Disorders

Somatically defined psycho-physiologically disorders

Attention Deficit Disorder with an including Hyperactivity

Personality Disorders are related behavioral issues that result in communication difficulties, emotional challenges, and an inability to regulate and manage emotions.

“Being able to be your true self is one of the strongest components of good mental health.”

Lauren Fogel Mersy

Get In Touch


9 Kattelville Rd, Binghamton, NY 13901